Word of the year for 2022

Word of the Year for 2022

I talk about this all year long, but every year I like to focus one post on choosing your word of the year and it’s time for 2022! The flow of this might be similar to last year’s blog but rather than having to go back and reread it let’s just get down to business here. I wish I could take credit for coming up with this idea, or saying I’m a master at choosing a word – truth is I’m not. What I can do is tell you the process I use to choose my “word.”

First, do you know what a word of the year is? Simply stated (in my own words) I use a “word” to set my intentions for the upcoming year. What word closely aligns with what I would like to see of myself every day for the upcoming year. It’s usually a combination of changes I want to make, mindset I want to set, actions I want to take, etc.

My intention is to always get this blog out within the first week of the year but you know what? Life happens and I say better late than never! The best part about setting a word of intention for the year is it doesn’t need to be done and set by January 1st! So let’s get to it…

Why I choose a word of the year instead of make a “resolution”…

Let’s be straight up. How many people set a resolution and actually stick to it for the entire year? If you have, congratulations – you are in the minority of statistics I could find! Per the study I found from The Times News only 4% of survey respondents stuck to all of their new years goals and only 8% stuck to most of their goals. So why continue to set a resolution only to feel you let yourself down by the end of the year? Heck, even the end of January for some!

I have felt success instead of failure ever since the day I ditched New Year’s Resolutions and started choosing a word instead. Did you read that? Success OVER Failure! Who wants to feel like they fail at anything? Why would we set ourselves up for that intentionally?

2021 my word for the year was “FORWARD.” As December came to a close, I felt great as throughout the entire year I can specifically acknowledge many things that I did to move forward with my life – both in business and personally. I turned the big 4-0; I took my very first trip to paradise (Caribbean); I quit my job and became a full-time entrepreneur; I networked my butt off; I met amazing business owners; I taught others; I learned from others and SO much more!

Did you choose a word for 2021? Do you feel like you achieved it? I’d love to hear in the comments what your word was and if you were successful in your choice!

set your goals and get to work!

What are your goals? Lose weight, change jobs, open a business, quit smoking, save money, etc? Get yourself a pad of paper or open up a notes tab on your phone or computer.  Start thinking of what you want to focus on for 2022. Just start writing or typing words that come directly to mind.

When I talk goals, I love to reference SMART goals. if you don’t know what a SMART goal is, it is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Based. A goal of “I want to save money” misses the mark. I want to save $1200 is better, but still not time bound. A goal like “I want to save $1200 by December 31, 2022” follows the SMART goal measures. $1200 is specific and measurable, achievable (for this example) and is time bound by a specific date.

Can you have more than one SMART goal? Absolutely! I think it’s great to give yourself goals in different areas of your life such as work, school, family, health, etc. Last year’s blog I gave examples like “I will go to the gym 3 days per week in 2021 to lose 20lbs for the year” and for business “I will gain 200 new followers on my social media by December 31, 2021.”

In the next section we can break those SMART goals down into smaller parts to help define one word that can be all encompassing to fit your lifestyle for 2022.

Break it down and let’s find the word…

Next, let’s take that smart goal and break out specific key words that bring you towards that goal. If you have a few goals, write down descriptive, focused words. How are you going to achieve that goal? Start writing or typing those thoughts making sure to use descriptive words; no matter how big or small this is going to help you in the process of choosing your word. 

Are you starting to see a common theme between your focus(es)? What is motivational in the descriptive words you’ve written down? Looking at your words, do you see a lot of nouns (customer, workplace, employees, family, time, social media, etc.)? Let’s try to remove the focus of nouns and focus more on adjectives (profitable, healthy, happy, successful, grateful, blessed) or verbs (gain, focus, renew, soar, balance, progress). What can you take action on that will motivate you towards success for the following year? What verbs or adjectives do you want to see from your nouns? Personally, I find a verb to be the best choice for me, but you have to choose what works for you too.

This year I broke some of my very own rules. Well kind of….

I like to find 1 solid word but I have a LOAD of goals for the upcoming year. So instead, I took 4 of those words (that kept showing up in my SMART goals) to make one acronym. So my word of the year? E.P.I.C. ENERGETIC – POSITIVE – INFLUENTIAL – COLLABORATIVE

I want to be super intentional about my word this year. I’m often found helping others and with that I want to do self care and feel for myself what I’m giving off to others. Yes, I broke some of my own rules but it just seemed to fit!

Now use the word EVERYWHERE

What do you do with the word once you’ve chosen it? I can tell you what I do – I plaster it everywhere! Anyplace appropriate that I see consistently. A constant reminder to not forget. When you forget, you drop it, right? Remember above… SUCCESS over FAILURE!

Wear it! Some of you may know I’m also a consultant with Thirty-One Gifts. In the past we’ve had bracelets where we could monogram a word or saying on that bracelet. Unfortunately the bracelets aren’t available as of today, but if they become available, I will update this to include a link. I wear that bracelet every single day as a reminder to myself to not forget my word. There are many Etsy shops (yay, support small businesses) where you can order a bracelet for yourself to have a bracelet every day too! Unless Thirty-One comes back with them soon, I’ll find a great Etsy owner and have one made. When I do, I’ll come update you all with my findings!

Create a vision board! They’re so fun and relaxing to make. Just cut up some old magazines or print out photos with your word and even some pictures of where you want your word to take you for the year. Plaster them all over a piece of heavy cardstock or poster board. Hang it up in your office or somewhere you’ll see it every day. 

If you use a good ole paper planner, put it at the top of every week or month as a daily reminder. Take it to the next level and put some of those smart goals in your planner too. If you have a date specific goal, a planner is a great place to plaster it !

Create a digital photo collage and use it as your home screen on your computer, phone or tablet. Use your word and place photos behind it of things that help define that goal. I love Canva to make collages or fun photos. They have a great free option!

Promote it on your social! Use it as a hashtag and maybe find others that have that same word for the year.  You can also find great inspirational photos by searching it as a hashtag. Use that photo you created for your home screens and put it on your social too. 

If you journal, journal all about that word. Not just once, go back to it and fill in the wins you have from reaching that goal as you reach them! Journal all about your smart goals. Continue to remind yourself and trust in yourself to reach those goals!

Oh gosh there are so many ways you can make your word a decorative reminder of your goals for the year! Draw it, write it, wear it, envision it and set your mindset to achieve it! What are your ideas of word placement and uses?

You’ve Got This!

Need some inspiration? Download my FREE list of words that might help you get started on your word journey! There are many unknowns for the upcoming year. You’ve got this!!Β  Take your focus on what you can control.Β What can you do for your business or even yourself to make 2022 even better than 2021?Β We all have it in us and I’m hoping this gives you the ability to find what youΒ canΒ do to keep moving forward for the upcoming year.Β Always remember that you matter and you can make a difference!

Your success is in your hands and I hope you all have a prosperous 2022!Β  Thank you for taking the time to be with me for this and I really look forward to your questions and comments!Β  Feel free to share this if you found it inspiring or helpful at all.Β  I hope I can help others succeed in 2022!Β  If you’re comfortable, let me know what your word for 2022 is and if it’s personal, business related or both!

Much love & success,


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